Saturday Night
Campfire meeting.
Jim P. 307-699-1928 Location: Mid-valley
Many resources are available online. A simple search for Alcoholics Anonymous will yield many results. To go to the nationwide AA page, click here
Best to simply get to a meeting. Meeting schedules for Star Valley and other links are posted here.
If you would like, You may speak to a member and discuss an alcohol problem. While Alpine Group does not host a 24 hour hotline,You may try to reach a member of the group by phone. A list of members willing to be contacted is at the bottom of this page. You can also send an email below. Rest assured that any contact will be answered at the soonest opportunity, and that any information you choose to disclose is STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL and will not be shared with anyone, nor with any agency..
Call 911. Don't hesitate, detoxing from alcohol is no laughing matter. Symptoms may include, but are not limited to, shaking, sweating, hallucinations, vomiting, or unconsciousness. If this is the case, call for immediate medical attention!